Health Tips

Saturday 29 April 2017

11 Superfood Secrets for a Long and Healthy Life

 Some things about life—and how long we get to enjoy it—are out of our control. But emerging nutrition science research, as well as data collected from people in their 90s and beyond, shows what, when, and how we eat has a profound influence on how long we live. Want to eat for a long and healthy life?
We're compiled the most compelling and surprising tips here!

Friday 16 December 2016

5 health tips from dentists

Why does this happen?
The very first thing you should know is that an instrument is only as good as the wielder. That means, you may be using the best dental products but if you aren't combining them with basic oral hygiene procedures; they are of no use. To learn more, look at these top tips by which you can ensure better oral health with minimum use of dental products.
1. Use only fluoridated products - Fluoride is actively absorbed by the tooth surface making it harder and much more resistant to cavities. Check the ingredient list on the toothpaste to find its fluoride content and combine it with a fluoridated mouthwash and a fluoride-impregnated floss to ensure better oral health. If you already have cavities, you can use fluoride-leaching cements like GIC to seal the tooth and to prevent further cavities. Do be careful about the fluoride in your water supply though as too much fluoride can cause a problem called as dental fluorosis in growing teeth.
2. Use dental sealants - Dental sealants cover surface imperfections and prevent food impaction. The plastic protective coating can be applied in ten minutes and it lasts for a very long time. Get in touch with your dentist for additional information.
3. Learn proper brushing techniques - Most people scrub away at their teeth thinking that pressure is the best way to clean teeth. However, they couldn't be more wrong. Technique is far more important than pressure and you dentist will teach you the right method for cleaning your
4. Clean your tongue - 90% of all bad breath cases are due to a woolly tongue covered with food particles. For fresher breath, be sure to brush your tongue, too, use the same toothbrush or a special tongue cleaner to scrape and clean the tongue. This will dramatically improve oral health and oral odour as well. You should replace your toothbrush every three months.
5. Visit your dentist at least once in six months - Everyone has to visit the dentist at least once in six months. This screening visit will help the dentist find and seal cavities, assess your dental health and remove scaly white deposits called plaque.
Do not make the mistake of considering no dental pain as perfect dental health. By the time pain starts, it's actually too late to do anything. Visit your dentist regularly and follow these tips to ensure better oral health.

Bulging disc treatments

A bulging disc is not a cause for panic as they are fairly common in both younger and older people. A bugling or protruding disc is usually see at high rates on MRIs in patients that suffer with back pain and are also found in patients that are not suffering from back pain. Aging process and the degeneration process of the intervertebral disc are the most common reasons why a disc will bulge. A disc may also bugle in relation to a back injury and sometimes in regards to what kind of a lifestyle is led by the patient. Like we said before a bulging disc is not necessarily a sign that anything serious is wrong with your spine, so there is no reason to panic.
When a bulging disc bulges enough to cause narrowing of the spinal canal it is considered to be a serious condition. If there are bone spurs present on the facet joints behind the bulging disc the combination of these spurs and the bulging of the disc may cause further narrowing of the spinal canal in that area.

The care of a patient with a lumbar bulging disc is far from standardized. To a certain extend the treatment of a patients bulging disc should be more individualized. The bulging disc can cause leg pain (when affecting the sciatic nerve). This can often be referred as a herniated disc, ruptured disc, pinched nerve or a slipped disc.

Treatment of a bulging disc will mainly be dependent on the length of time the patient has suffered with his or her symptoms and the severity of the related pain. Most treatments will start with six to twelve weeks of conservative treatment.

If this conservative treatment for the bulging disc does not help to alleviate the pain from the affected area(s) and there are no signs of improvement then a surgical treatment is considered. If the patient is in experiencing consistent severe pain and having difficulty maintaining a reasonable level of functionality, surgery may also be recommended prior to the completion of the six weeks of conservation treatment.

Most bulging discs wil
heal on their own without even the person afflicted knowing that there was anything wrong in the first place. There are no hard and fast guidelines for how long it will take and how to go about healing a bulging disc.
The primary goals of conservative treatment for a bulging disc are to provide the patient relief of the pain and to allow them to return to a normal level of functionality. A wide variety of treatment options are available and here is a list of some of the most common bulging disc treatments.

- Rest, followed by slow mobilization
- Pain medications
- Chiropractic/osteopathic manipulations
- Physical therapy
- Epidural steroid injections

The amount of time invested in conservative treatment needs to be addressed on an individual patient basis. Some patients will not have as sever of debilitating pain or symptoms as other. In the patients that are still able to lead a productive lifestyle with only minor aches and pains a longer conservative treatment would most likely be advised. Back surgery for bulging disc treatment should be prolonged as long as possible. For some patients the pain and loss of productivity is just too much to handle and after conservative treatments are explored for a shorter duration and there are no changes in the patient's symptoms, surgery to decompress the affected nerve is often the next option as a bulging disc treatment.

Patients that do not feel any recovery after six to twelve weeks of conservative care will often find themselves looking into the final bulging disc treatment option of surgery for their bulging disc.

Any patient who has progressive neurological deficits, or develops the sudden onset of bowel or bladder dysfunction, should have an immediate surgical evaluation as these conditions may represent a surgical emergency. Fortunately, both of these conditions are very rare, and most surgery for a lumbar herniated disk is an elective procedure.

Surgical treatment options for the lumbar herniated disk include:

- Percutaneous arthroscopic laser discectomy
- Microdiscectomy
- Lumbar laminectomy
- Arthroscopic lumbar discectomy
- Microendoscopic surgery

Natural remedies for cellulitis that are easy and effective

Cellulitis is a tremendously horrible bacterial infection that requires instant cure, particularly in the conditions where the infection attacks the mouth. But, the most ordinary attack of this disease happens on arms and legs. The infection of cellulitis attacks the connective tissues beneath the skin surface resulting to extreme inflammation and other general symptoms such as nausea, fever and mild to harsh muscle pain. In order to get rid from this condition there are natural remedies for cellulitis that can be employed. The following are the possible help:
1. Diet - It is better to eat those nutritious foods. Stay away from too fatty foods as well as those spicy foods for can trigger the inflammation.

2. Exercise - It is advisable to do this thing everyday. Performing this everyday help gets rid off the muscle pains that are associated with the illness.

3. Massage - Once the inflamed skin is entirely contraindicated massage therapy is badly needed. However, on the doing this, it is better to consult your doctor for the correct type of massage. Once you acquire the w
ong type, there is a big possibility that it may worsen the condition.
These are the common natural remedies for cellulitis that can be done. Normally, these remedies helps get rid the inflammation that is felt. However, aside from the above mentioned natural remedies for cellulitis, there are also herbs that can be used. These herbs are proven that are effective in alleviating the pains that are associated on obtaining cellulitis. Listed below are the three popular and effective herbs -
1. Garlic - This herb is known that has antibacterial properties. The property helps to destroy the infection. Hence, it can devastate effectively the infections to cure from getting cellulitis. Most of the herbalist advice three dosage of capsules of garlic oil or three cloves a day until the infection disappears. 2. Goldenseal - This is also recommended to cure the inflammation. It may be taken internally or you can create a paste through adding the powder of herb to water and apply this paste on the area affected the whole night.

3. Echinacea - This is a renowned herb that is very helpful. If you will take this herb daily then it will aid your body fight back against the infection.

These are the herbs that can be used as natural remedies for cellulitis. Do these things for you to alleviate from the pain that you feel. The thing that you need to have is commitment to do the aid every day. 

How Nutrition Can Help Prevent & Treat Kidney Problems

The kidneys may be tiny bean-shaped organs, but they play a major role in your overall health. You can find them situated in your rib cage on either side of your spine. Right above your kidneys, you will find the adrenal glands. Up to 150 quarts of blood is pumped through your kidneys each and every day for the purpose of flushing out toxins. Your kidneys are also responsible for removing waste from your urine. You can consult with a naturopathic family care physician about improving your diet and lifestyle to maintain healthy organs.

Drinking Water is Key

One way is to increase your consumption of water. It’s not enough to drink lots of fluids, such as juice, soda, coffee and tea. There’s absolutely no drink that can replace water as a purifying and hydrating substance. Your kidneys rely on you to drink plenty of water, so they can continue to operate properly. Dehydration is a common problem among those who end up getting health problems, like kidney stones.

Symptoms of Failing Kidneys

When your kidneys are performing optimally, it can result to a number of health concerns, some being very serious. Some of these issues include heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. It’s good to know the warning signs to watch out for, so you can catch kidney problems early on. This includes:
  • Urinating frequently
  • Issues with urinating
  • Consistently thirsty
  • Burning sensation or pain while urinating
Don’t underestimate the importance of your kidneys. They are responsible for maintaining homeostasis, which begins with the blood. Your kidneys help keep the proper pH level and electrolyte balance in your blood. This includes removing excess potassium, sodium and phosphates. The kidneys also create hormones that are responsible for making red blood cells, which helps to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
You can consult with a naturopathic medicine doctor in Phoenix about improving your family’s diet and care.

Your Diet Affects Kidney Health

Depending on what you eat, your diet could work for or against your kidneys. For instance, if your diet consists of too much protein and fructose, it causes an increase in urea, which can lead to kidney stones and kidney disease.
High uric acid amounts is an issue for many Americans who consume between three and five times the amount of protein needed, and between two and four times the fructose that’s presumed safe. Research shows that kidney stones are linked to eating high amounts of processed fructose and other forms of sugar. Sugar causes a disruption in the relationship between minerals, causing malabsorption of magnesium and potassium. Those who drink a lot of soda, for instance, are acidifying their urine, which causes formation of stones.
You should also be wary of taking analgesic drugs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, maproxen, acetaminophen and anti-inflammatory drugs. These have been tied to kidney damage when taken over long periods of time and/or in excess.

Improving Your Diet to Prevent Kidney Problems

There are three key ways you can improve your diet to prevent problems with your kidneys, which include:
  • Reducing protein to what you need. You can figure this out based on your age and weight. As a rule of thumb, you need ½ gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. This is normally between 40 and 70 grams daily. Those with kidney disease should limit their protein consumption to 50 grams daily.
  • Limiting fructose to 25 grams daily. This is about six teaspoons. Of course, the less the better, especially if you’re dealing with leptin and insulin resistance.
  • Drink lots of pure water. Removing the sweetened drinks like juice and soda for water kills two birds with one stone.
If you’re not sure if you should be drinking more water, just look at the color of your urine. If it’s darker in tint and has a strong odor, then you are dehydrated. You should also be going to the bathroom between seven and eight times daily when you’re properly hydrated.
If you already have kidney disease, then you should also focus on staying away from foods that are rich in phosphorous. Try adding in more foods that are potassium-rich, such as vegetables and seeds. It’s best to work hand-in-hand with a naturopathic family care doctor who is experienced in treating kidney problems. You can be referred to an alternative cancer treatment center in Arizona if you are battling kidney cancer.

The Risks of Abdominal Liposuction

Statistics show that even though abdominal liposuction is expensive, it is also one of the most performed interventions to loose weight in the United States. Abdominal liposuction surgery takes approximately couple of hours depending from person to person however, you will need to undergo a series of physical examination before you undergo the operation in order to ensure that you are physically fit and will not face any major complications from it so it can heal quickly.
The procedure itself is not complicated however, the healing process may take a few months during which time you will have to be on a strict diet as prescribed by the doctor and also follow the medication treatment as directed in order to help the procedure heal as soon as possible.
Many are horrified at the sight immediately after the operation as the area is bruised and lumps may form where the fat was extracted but that it temporary and it will all disappear in matter is months.

The Risks of Abdominal Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction will relieve you of a few pounds at a time so, don’t expect miracles overnight; it is highly recommended for those who has put up 10 –15 pounds and is ready to diet as well as exercise in order to maintain a shapely form and a healthy body.
Obese people may not see a great improvement unless they undergo multiple sessions during a period of time as the doctor cannot perform another produce unless the first is healed enough to support another liposuction.

Statistics also show that 1 person in 100,000 diet due to abdominal liposuction however, most of those cases were because the patient did not follow the diet and after liposuction procedures, which are even more important then the liposuction itself in order to make the whole procedure a success. If you have decided to undergo abdominal liposuction it is because you want to improve your appearance and overall health therefore, you can make it a success with determination and strong will power. Always remember it is up to you.


Tuesday 18 October 2016

7 Supplements Women Should Take After 50

Perhaps popping vitamins wasn’t always on your mind in your youth, but now it may be something worth thinking about. There are some nutrients that most women simply don’t get enough of over the age of 50, making supplements essential. The journey of aging can be a beautiful experience that should be embraced, however, there are some things that may not look or feel as effortless as they once did and taking supplements can make a positive difference. Below, we cover seven essential supplements women should take after the age of 50.
  1. Vitamin D
While great sources of vitamin D include egg yolks, fatty fish and fortified foods like milk, less than 10 percent of women over the age of 50 get the recommended amount through food according to Michael F. Holick, MD, PhD. The benefits of getting enough vitamin D, however, include reducing your risk of developing colon, breast and esophageal cancers by 30 to 50 percent. It is recommended for people 50 to 70 years old to get 10 mcg daily (400 IU) daily, and those over 70 should get 15 mcg daily (600 IU).

Saturday 3 September 2016

Light Up Your Event with DIY Light Bulb Projects



2.Cute diy homemade mason jar lights

Elegant Homemade Table Lamps Simple Gear Table Lamp Modern Amp Vintage Lamps Id Lights


Diy Lighting Ideas


Diy Hanging Light Fixtures Diy Light Fixture Ideas

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