Thursday 23 July 2015

How to Master the Inner-Ab Vacuum

We've all been guilty of sucking in our stomach to get into an exceptionally tight pair of pants or as we pose for a picture, but did you know that the "vacuuming" motion is actually helping work your abs? It's called the Stomach Vacuum, it's a tummy-tightening MVP, and a helluva lot easier than 2,000 nightly crunches.

More Fitness On: How to Master the Inner-Ab Vacuum

6 Minutes to a Better Butt

When a butt workout takes the same amount of time as, say, a run to the office vending machines, a snarky instant message conversation with a coworker, or a quick review of what’s on television tonight, there truly are no more excuses. This intense butt workout takes only six minutes of your time, and delivers optimum results.We begin with pulse squats and lead into a weighted half squat.

From there, perform dumbbell step-ups, side lunges, and box jumps. You’ll be using medium to heavy weights when working out your gluteal muscles, since large muscles require (you guessed it) heavier weights! When you perform each exercise for a full 45 seconds with just a 15 second rest in between each one, your rear end will truly begin to feel the burn.

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5 Best Abdominal Exercises For Women

If you’re overweight and looking to get flat abs, it’s going to be a must that you’re paying attention to the exercises that you’re including in your workout program. However, exercise selection alone is not enough.

The biggest must-do if you want to achieve flat abs is to focus on cardiovascular exercise and eating a calorie reduced diet. If you aren’t eating a lower calorie diet, fat loss will be virtually impossible and this will mean your abdominal appearance will stay as-is even if you perform abdominal exercises daily. In combination with diet, cardio is also a necessity if you’re trying to burn fat from your waist.

Once you’ve got your diet in order, here are five great abdominal exercises that you should consider including in your workout routine. These are what I consider to be five of the most effective abdominal exercises for women. Not an end all list, but a great place to start.

More Fitness On: 5 Best Abdominal Exercises For Women

5 Ways To Build The Perfect Butt

Who doesn’t want a backside that turns heads? You can do cardio until you’re blue in the face, but you won’t build a great bum unless you do some weight training. Not sure which moves or techniques are best for building the perfect booty? We’ve got you covered.

Here are 5 ways to make yours rounder, fuller, and stronger so you can rock the heck out of those new skinny jeans.

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5 Moves To A Quick Full Body Workout

Even if you don’t have time to shower after a workout doesn’t mean you should forgo daily exercise. While sweating is a sign your body temperature is rising, sweat isn’t always necessary for an amazing workout. You can boost your energy and tone your muscles without even moving though isometric exercises they contract your muscles while you stay in one stead position. The longer you hold each position, the more muscle fibers you recruit, thereby intensifying your workout while still leaving you sweat-free.

More Fitness On: 5 Moves To A Quick Full Body Workout

Circuit Training For Women

If you’re short on time but still want to fit in an effective training session especially if your goal is fat loss metabolic resistance training (MRT) is tough to beat. With this training style, the goal is to maximize caloric expenditure while also increasing your metabolic rate. There are many different ways to structure an MRT session, but generally speaking, circuit training lends itself well, if not the best to this approach.

Here, you’ll find two different examples of the same circuit training for women workouts one for beginners and another for intermediate and advanced trainees. Perform the workout on three non-consecutive days per week, for four weeks. Both the beginner and intermediate circuit training workouts are designed to take about 25 minutes during the first two weeks and even less time after that.

More Fitness On: Circuit Training For Women

10 Must-Do Butt Exercises

Everyone wants to get in shape as soon as they sense that summer is around the corner. However, shaping up means different things to different people.

While guys focus on losing a few pounds and buffing up their chest and arms, most girls and some guys like to sculpt the perfect derriere that will give them the confidence to strut around town in those tight new jeans. If you want to really target the glutes, you’ll definitely need some of these great butt exercises.

More Fitness On: 10 Must-Do Butt Exercises

18 Simple Eating Tips For Effective Weight Loss

We all know that a healthy diet involves eating plenty of fresh fruit.
What you might not know is that the one of the best options are berries as they contain less fructose than many other fruits, so are less likely to cause weight gain.
Many berries contain beneficial antioxidants that can improve your overall health too.

More Fitness On: 18 Simple Eating Tips For Effective Weight Loss

14 Simple Ways To Be Healthier Everyday

It’s probably safe to say we all wish we lived healthier lives, full of many 6 a.m. yoga classes and absolutely zero 10 p.m. ice cream sundaes. Alas, life. Still, bettering oneself is a noble pursuit, and we’re committed to seeking out small improvements that have big impacts. That way, the road to healthy living doesn’t feel quite so insurmountable that we throw in the towel entirely. To inspire you to live healthier each day, we’ve rounded up 14 simple habits that make all the difference. 

More Fitness On: 14 Simple Ways To Be Healthier Everyday

Wednesday 22 July 2015

20 Minute Weight Loss Workout

When you live in a society in which it’s easier to reach for a basket of greasy fries than for a bowl of salad, it’s easy for the extra pounds to pile on. And because weight loss exercise routines can be daunting, many of us get off on the wrong foot when it comes to fitness. 

At Skinny Ms., we’ve tried many weight-loss workouts, but this one is special in that it utilizes circuits and uses only body weight-based exercises. You’ll be amazed at the results when sticking to this program and eating a healthy, clean diet.

More Fitness On: 20 Minute Weight Loss Workout

5 Tips To Help Finally Lose the Weight

How are you doing with your New Year’s goals? Are you keeping both eyes on the prize and sticking with them? Most people set out with hope and full intentions on reaching them, but sometimes life gets in the way. What we have to remember is that life is always going to get in the way. 

So if you want something as bad as you think you do, you’ll make the time for it, plan for it, save money for it…whatever it is you need to do to get there, you’ll do it if you truly want it. To help clear the road so you can see your goals more clearly, read on for five quick and effective tips to keep your resolutions on track.

More Fitness On: 5 Tips To Help Finally Lose the Weight

Singe Fat Fast

There is no magic pill when it comes to weight loss. Those are words you have probably heard before. While there may be no magic pills that magically make weight degenerate before your eyes, there are steps you can take to speed up your fat loss without taking extreme or dangerous measures.

More Fitness On: Singe Fat Fast

6 Ways Fitness Has Evolved

The idea of fitness has come a long, long way. As more studies on exercise programs are conducted, the more the definition of physical fitness will change. As the definition evolves, so do the parameters. How long do you have to workout? How often do you have to workout? What is most effective for cardio; is cardio even a sure fire way to lose the unwanted “lbs?” Let’s take a look at how the answer to these questions has changed over the years

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Tuesday 21 July 2015

5 Flat Belly Drinks

Holiday indulgences, lapsed gym memberships, and the perils of the office vending machine. These are just three of the many obstacles standing between you and the flat belly you’ve been dreaming of.Of course, you know that there are a few changes you can make to your lifestyle in order to finally see those toned, flat abs. 

Portion control, clean and healthy ingredients, and regular exercise are all cornerstones of working toward a fit and toned body. But did you know that there are a few easy, delicious drinks that you can whip up to jumpstart your journey to flat abs? These flat belly drinks are low in calories, great for your digestion and metabolism, and are excellent at cleansing and detoxing the body. 

More Fitness on: 5 Flat Belly Drinks

Fabulous Abs in 30 Days Challenge

Envious of the gorgeous, shredded abs you see on your fellow gym-goers? Not sure if you’ve ever seen even a ripple of muscle on your belly? Those days are over. Your fabulous abs are waiting to be strengthened, toned, and uncovered with the Skinny Ms. 30 Days Abs Challenge.

More Fitness on: Fabulous Abs in 30 Days Challenge

8 Super Greens to Boost Weight Loss

Green vegetables are important superfoods for weight loss. In general, green vegetables deliver a high amount of nutritional value in very few calories, and are low on the glycemic index. This latter fact is important; excess insulin in the body can lead to weight gain, and low-glycemic foods keep insulin levels low. Incorporating weight loss greens into your daily diet will only make you healthier. These 8 super “greens” to boost weight loss will get you started.

More Fitness on: 8 Super “Greens” to Boost Weight Loss

Monday 20 July 2015

Benefits of Dynamic Tension Exercise

Dynamic tension exercise is based on the concept that body muscles can be worked without using any equipment or machines. As opposed to conventional resistance training, in this method the muscles make use of body force to create tension. You can think of this like contracting a muscle and slowly releasing it using a range of motion. You can practice such exercises anywhere, literally.

More Fitness On: Dynamic Tension Exercise And What Are Its Benefits

10 Best Tips to Flatten Your Lower Belly

Tummy fat is not only annoying, but is also one of the most difficult forms of fat to get rid of. It forms between the organs, deep within the abdominal cavity, triggering chronic inflammation and increasing the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Lower belly fat is mainly caused due to sedentary lifestyle and consumption of high fat and sugary foods. Genetics, structure and age also determine the pattern of fat accumulation in the body.

Losing lower belly fat is a little difficult, but not impossible. The right diet plan combined with exercises may help to lose the stubborn lower body fat.

More Fitness On: 10 Best Tips to Flatten Your Lower Belly

How to Ditch That Pudgy Pooch

Eating 80/20 and hitting the gym have helped you reach your weight-loss goal, but you're still trying to get rid of that little extra pooch around your midsection. Here are three things you can do every week to help you achieve a trimmer belly.

More Fitness On: How to Ditch That Pudgy Pooch

5 Effective Twist Exercises For Your ABS

We all think that crunches are going to give us that perfect washboard abs, right? But the fact is that crunches alone can’t do anything to melt away layers of fat from your abs. The first step to a strong core is getting rid of all the belly flab. Twist exercises do exactly that. They target the fat and at the same time work on your core muscles. Twist exercises not only work on your upper and lower abdominals, but also works on the oblique muscles.

More Fitness On: 5 Effective Twist Exercises For Your ABS

50 Best Weight Loss Exercises

Not every one of us can afford a good physical trainer who can guide us through our weight loss journey to become fit and fabulous, right? So here, we have got for you the 50 best and most popular exercises that not only just guarantee weight loss but also make you stronger and fitter.

More Fitness On: 50 Best Weight Loss Exercises You Can Try

9 Exercises To Burn 2000 Calories

Want to burn 2000 calories a day? If yes, let us tell you it is easier said than done. Working out might be super fun and effective for your body, but overdoing this could lead to some serious repercussions.

But then, there is a combination of a few activities that can help you burn about 2,000 calories a day! Would you like to know what these activities are?

More Fitness On: 9 Best Exercises To Help You Burn 2000 Calories A Day

Supersets To Tone and Tighten

Specifically designed to attack one muscle group with multiple exercises, supersets are performed back-to-back without rest. The idea is to fatigue the muscles in a one-two punch, then recover as fully as possible. Usually supersets are completed with a barbell or heavy dumbbells, but you can do them with anything or nothing at all. For each superset below, complete both exercises twice through, then move onto the next set if you want to.

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Fat Blasting Arm Workout

Ready to blast some arm jiggle? Follow along with Skinny Mom CEO and founder Brooke Griffin for this six-move, fat-blasting workout! Grab your dumbbells, kettlebells and body bar and let’s get started!

More Fitness On: Here is the perfect arm workout for sexy summer arms

How to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Sick of stepping on the scale and being frustrated by the number staring back at you, despite your healthy habits? Or maybe you’re struggling to lose those last few pounds to make your goal. Check out these 11 simple steps from POPSUGAR Fitness that will help you reach your goals and then celebrate.

More Fitness On: How to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Ghetto Workout- Everything You Need To Know About

The ghetto workout is all about using the load of your own body for performing intense exercises that aid in burning fat. The right combination of basic exercises like push ups, pull ups, rising and sit ups can offer incredible results. Interestingly, they don’t cause many injuries and are affordable. These exercises are flexible and offer great advantages to the bone-articular system, cardiovascular system, and muscular system. Also known as a street workout, Ghetto exercises, when done under correct guidance, can offer unbelievable results.

More Fitness On: Ghetto Workout- Everything You Need To Know About

4 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

“Bottoms Up” and I don’t mean with a drink. I mean try these great exercises to lift and firm your butt. A busy life can often derail your fitness plan. But even doing a few exercises when you have time can help you feel stronger and feel better in your clothes. I am a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use at home, the office, or on the road.

 I’m a frequent flyer, so I stick a few in my suitcase and can use them right in my hotel room. Bands offer the same benefits of other resistance equipment without being big and heavy. If you use proper form and a challenging level of tension, your muscle fibers won’t know the difference between weights or bands. Even better, bands can offer more muscle recruitment because you can use multiple muscle groups at once. Try a squat with an overhead press or try a lunge with a bicep curl.

They increase coordination and build buff muscles! Another bonus unlike some pieces of exercises equipment, these guys won’t break the bank. And better yet, they aren’t a big space taker in your home. Just stick them in a drawer or under a bed! If you’re new to resistance bands, I’d recommend this C9 Comfort Grip Resistance Band from Target! The handles are padded and the resistance level is great for beginners to intermediate.

Try these four exercises below and do 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions of each, 3-5 days a week. How do you choose the correct resistance band? You should reach moderate to maximum muscle fatigue between 15-20 repetitions. If your band is too easy, you’ll know. If it’s too hard, you won’t be able to complete the full range of motion. Stay in control and keep a steady pace. Adding music with a steady tempo is also a great way to stay motivated

More Fitness On: 4 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

Top 12 Exercises For Thinner Thighs

Your thighs are just one of the many parts of the body that you probably want to shape up. Yup, I’m sure you want them to look sexier and or just simply to be able to wear the right size pants. Let’s face it, the pants available at your popular clothing line aren’t really tailored for people with thick thighs.

While those who lift weights often get their pants customized for them, and don’t mind this minor inconvenience at all, there are still a lot of women today who would rather just buy and wear without having to worry about the cloth ripping in two.

More Fitness On: Top 12 Exercises For Thinner Thighs

13 Diet Hacks to Stay Slim

Skim fat off greasy soups or sauces with ice cubes. Call it a miracle of modern science or just a principle of basic physics but but dropping an ice cube into an oily soup, stew, casserole or sauce will attract fat, which can then be scooped out with a spoon. Move quick; the ice cube melts fast.

More Fitness On: 13 Diet Hacks to Stay Slim

10 Exercises That Build Strength Without Bulk

Eager to achieve long, lean, sculpted muscles, but you’re really not the type to spend hours pumping iron or pushing a metal weight machine at the gym? We hear you! Even though the fear of “bulking up” with weight training is a myth (See Related Post: 6 Reasons Why Women Need To Lift Weights), especially for women over 40, building muscle is a must, both for strong bones and to boost metabolism.

If you’re game, then follow this metabolism-boosting workout that builds strength and tones your abdominals, back, thighs, butt and arms. These are the most effective “bulk-free” ways to get longer, leaner and stronger from head to toe, without any weights of course.

More Fitness On: 10 Exercises That Build Strength Without Bulk

6 Ways To Make Your Gym Time Count

In an ideal world, you would head to the gym and spend a leisurely few hours getting a total body workout, then you would shower, spend some time in front of the mirror and head out for your day. 

In reality, you probably throw your stuff into your gym back, hastily look at your watch, jump on a machine or two, maybe lift weights for a few minutes, run back to the change rooms jump in the shower, jump out, towel dry and run out back to work, all in 45 minutes without really getting a greatworkout. As much as you vow to give yourself more time, life always seems to get in the way. There are, however, things you can do to get the most out of your workouts when you are pressed for time.

More Fitness On: 6 Ways To Make Your Gym Time Count

Lose 3 Inches in Weeks Without Dieting

If you’re like most people, you want results and you want them fast. Scratch that. You want them now (yesterday would be even better, right?). And this goes double and triple when it comes to getting results from a diet or exercise program. In fact, I’m sure you’ll agree that nothing motivates you more to push towards your goal than quick progress.

With this in mind, I have a special treat for you today. I’m going to show you (or rather, describe) a simple trick that can shrink your waist by 2 to 3 inches in mere weeks. It’s easy to perform, takes just a few minutes per day, anyone can do it (that means you!), and the results are not only fast… but downright amazing.

Now, before we get into the specifics, I want to show you what’s possible. Because when you see with your own eyes what you can achieve by doing this (and with such ease) there’s no way you’ll put it off. In fact, you’ll want to get started as soon as you finish reading this article.

Alright, take a look at the two pictures below but ignore the fact that these are pictures of bodybuilders. There’s a very slim chance you’re after either of these physiques (heck, you’re probably a female). Nevertheless, you’re looking at these for a good reason as you’ll soon discover.

More Fitness On: Lose 3 Inches in Weeks Without Dieting

14 Challenging Core Moves

Who doesn’t want a tight and toned core? In addition to looking great, a strong core really cuts down on back soreness and aches and pains, so core training isn’t just vanity, it’s healthy! We’ve compiled some of our favorite core-strengthening exercises to get you baring your belly and standing straighter than ever.

More Fitness On: 14 Challenging Core Moves

6 Lazy Girl Tips to Stay Fit

With the summer officially here, hiding behind dark-colored clothes and chunky knits is sadly no longer an option. With the warm season calling for skin-baring styles like shorts, tank tops and babydoll dresses, it’s time to step up your health and fitness routine so you can feel great and stay in shape all summer long.

For the many folks who on short on free time, it’s easy to brush off exercise and order take-out from the nearest Chinese restaurant. With a little self-determination, self-control and know-how, however, eating right and squeezing in some time to work out (all while maintaining a healthy diet) can be a lot easier to accomplish than you’d think.

More Fitness On: 6 Lazy Girl Tips to Stay Fit

10 Daily Habits That Help Blast Belly Fat

Americans, as research suggests, are getting more and more apple shaped by the minute adding inches to their bellies that pose an immediate threat to their health, happiness, and even financial futures.

Fifty-four percent of U.S. adults now have central obesity (colloquially referred to as “belly fat,” and clinically defined as a waistline of more than 35 inches in women and more than 40 inches in men), up from 46 percent in 1999-2000, according to a September 2014 study from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The average U.S. waist circumference has also grown to an average 38.8 inches, up more than 1 inch in about a dozen years. It’s more than a fashion crisis.

Belly fat, or visceral fat, is the most dangerous type of fat there is. This deadly fat wraps around the organs deep in your abdomen, spiking your risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke and metabolic syndrome. You can’t see or pinch visceral fat, and it’s often associated with a large waist. Ditch it and you’ll not only save your health, you’ll also lose weight and trim your waistline.

More Fitness On: 10 Daily Habits That Help Blast Belly Fat

How to Get A Butt You Will Love

Squats and lunges are two exercises that work their way into almost every butt workout. Perhaps you’re just sick of doing squats, or maybe they bother your knees—no matter the reason, we’re guessing it’s time for a much-needed break. This workout is designed to tighten and tone your backside without any form of a squat or lunge. Not one. We promise! All you’ll need is a resistance band and a sturdy chair.

Here’s how it works: Do each exercise for 60 seconds, performing as many reps as possible with good form. (Remember, form trumps speed.) Rest for 30 seconds between exercises. For an additional challenge, do the entire circuit a total of 2 or 3 times.

More Fitness On: How to Get A Butt You Will Love

5 Moves To Blast Fat Fast

Not sure if your old party dress still fits? Before you battle the zipper, try incorporating these five moves into your workout to help shed some pounds! They will work all parts of your body and get your heart rate up, which is the best way to blast fat!

More Fitness On: 5 Moves To Blast Fat Fast

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